Famous Hostels Ambassador on 51 Hostel Adventure

15 Jun 2015


Famous Hostels Ambassador on 51 Hostel Adventure!

You may remember the competition that fabulous network Europe's Famous Hostels held last month to find the best backpacker to rise to this challenge: Visit all 51 of Europe's Famous Hostels and tell us about the time you have! That's 28 countries and all the way from Loch Ness to Jerusalem. Well the competition has finished and a winner has been declared..

Famous Hostels

We're super jealous of winner Stephen 'Beaver' Harris and we're following his adventures. He has begun his journey in Italy.. here's what has happened so far...

Famous Hostels

Hostel of the Sun, Naples

Starting his adventure in beautiful Italy in the south, Beaver began his trip on 10th June in Naples - with a view of Mount Vesuvius from his balcony!

"This is an authentic country that is what it really is. It feels refreshing.”

The awesome and award winning Hostel of the Sun in Naples is one of our favourites and has the friendliest, best, most fun staff EVER! We knew Beaver would have a blast in this crazy city - the home of the best pizza, Neapolitan ice cream and incredible Italian drivers.

"Do you want to try the best pizza in the world, in Naples, where pizza was actually invented? Ask Luca."

Find out about how he started his amazing journey and his time in Naples here

Famous Hostels

aradise Beach Hostel, Ischia

Next up Beaver moved on to nearby Ischia, the beautiful island next to Capri just a short boat ride from Napoli. The name of this hostel says it all - the hostel is on the side of an extinct volcano and has a great beach below. Hear about Beaver’s luxurious stay at this poolside haven here

“Either you guy need to start training, or you need to arrive earlier!” ....

Luckily they made the ferry and train and on to Roma!

Famous Hostels

Alessandro's Palace, Rome

Heading to Rome and enjoying the terrace roof party at Alessandro's Palace with some new travelling friends, Beaver got a taste of Famous Hostels hospitality in Rome - and considers some life changes while partying with Puerto Ricans. Find out about his site seeing adventures at the Colosseum here

"Am I too old to adopt a new name? I may have to conduct a poll on that…"

Famous Hostels

Running for another train, this time from Rome to Rimini… Beaver begins his next leg of the adventure!

"I would nod at them to and pretended I understood, and then I would glance about the train car as well with a heavily disappointed look."

Follow Beaver on his adventures on the Famous Hostels Blog here or on Facebook here

We can't wait for him to get to Copenhagen Downtown!

Famous Hostels




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